Flatfish trace


New member
 how do i make a throwbait flatfish trace for blue rays eagle rays sandies duckbills diamonds etc ?



I'd also like to see the traces guys use for the flat fish and sandies, especially for the Westcoast? If anyone has input or pics?


If you are fishing an area where you are sure there are no toothy fish around a combination swivel with your sinker line about 50cm and hook line slightly shorter to clip to the sinker when casting, most 8/0 hooks like gamas or big guns will work for the bigger flat fish but for blue rays a 5/0 will work better used with a cone sinker as they like a bit of movement in the bait, on the North coast I opt for a full metal jacket with an 8/0 gama big bait circle, the reason for the full metal jacket is to help land the fish with ease will try and post some pics tonight