
Ok guys, we talked about this some months ago - sorry, to bring it up, but it's become an issue again... SEALINE is run and sponsored solely by Emperor and the occasional sponsor that pays for a banner on the website.

The growth of SEALINE has been extraordinary this year, with Traffic increasing exponentially - we are now hitting over 60gig a month and growing by an average of 15% per month -  as you might know, bandwidth of this size costs big bucks!!

You might have noticed that the Gallery contents has become more and more offline recently - this has become necessary to try restrict bandwidth issues.  

Many people have offered their 2c worth as far as cheap Hosting goes, and we thank you all for your concern, however, this has been thoroughly researched and a website/forum of SEALINE's size requires a DEDICATED SERVER in order to avoid system crashes and downtime... and dedicated servers don't come cheap.

Emperor has said that SEALINE will always be a free site to members... so we are now calling on those who can afford to, to please help out and make a contribution towards the running of SEALINE, failing which the unthinkable becomes a reality... :shock:
Imagine a world without SEALINE?

So guys, I'm making an urgent appeal to you all... dig deep and help Empz out...

please...! ^^..

Sealine Banking Details :

Sealine Sports & Marine
Absa Bank
Branch code: 632005
Cheque Account number: 4069127203

Thanking you all in anticipation....




I used to pay ESA a monthly sub until I resigned...

I will start the ball rolling and give what I would have paid ESA in a year to SEALINE.

Reefman - R600 - and a big thankyou to Empz for making it possible.



Geez Imagine a world with out Sealine !!!

Thanks for all that u guys do for us Here !!!

R200 from me !!!


Senior Member
Just read this. I will try contribute some pocket money. I owe it to sealine, I have learnt so much from you guys.


Senior Member
just transfered a small contribution. To emp and reefman - Thanks for a wonderful year on sealine. Ciao! muhaha


With all due respect,may I repeat ,with all due respect to the wonderfull Admin of this site,can anyone give us figures ,and if the forums is not the correct platform for the figures, send me a pm..please I would gladly support,and also have a few ideas regarding sponsorships etc,surely we must have a few marketing fundi's on board who can also assist in this regard ,without tarnishing SEALINE'S unique-ness.

Thank you ,yet again to the powers that be,for a wonderful site .


Senior Member
[color=#006600]kitefisher[/color] wrote:
With all due respect,may I repeat ,with all due respect to the wonderfull Admin of this site,can anyone give us figures ,and if the forums is not the correct platform for the figures, send me a pm..please I would gladly support,and also have a few ideas regarding sponsorships etc,surely we must have a few marketing fundi's on board who can also assist in this regard ,without tarnishing SEALINE'S unique-ness.

Thank you ,yet again to the powers that be,for a wonderful site .

After some thought, I quote the contents of a PM I sent Reefman on this subject:

"This is quite a moral dilemma to me.   Firstly  as pensioner I need to count my pennies, but can obviously afford to put R200 in to the pot for something that does give me an element op pleasure (and irritation)^^..

Secondly, as a "financial person" I don't like sinking money in to a deep dark hole that I have no control over and have no Idea what the effects are and if this will be a solution at all.   If you collect R10 000 with this fundraising drive, how long will it keep the ship afloat?   I think I've made this statement before, internationally sites like these don't make money and in fact battle to break even.   In S.A. we have a unique problem with costs,  bandwidth and low advertising revenue etc. etc. 

What is Emperors objective with the site, is there an ultimate profit motive?

Maybe he should put his cards on the table.

Thirdly, I have a belief that this should be a free facility as it is everywhere else.   The members provide the contents free of charge, which is already a contribution, the site only provides the medium.   I don't buy fishing magazines, DVD's or whatever as I don't see any value in it and in fact do not like the commercialisation of recreational fishing.

So now you have my cards, but I also feel slightly guilty as perhaps people who can less afford it then me are may putting some cash in to it and subsidising me."



Senior Member
I just want to add here that my feeling is (and please this is just my personal feelings), we musn't over-analyze this request for a donation.

A simple request was made for asisstance to those willing and able.

I enjoy this site and and therefore do not mind to pitch in, if possible, to assist on a volunatry basis.

I for one have no interest into admin's financial standings nor the details behind it and am willing to accept that they would appreciate some assistance to secure this forums existence.

If we want cold hard facts and figures to be laid down, then maybe it is time we start paying for that priveledge, as we can only demand this type of thing, if we are charged a monthly contribution and thus want to make sure the monies paid are used wisely.

Lets keep is simple, if you want to and have the means ..donate..otherwise leave the status quo as is.


although this has been discussed before and without a very good outcome....i would say maybe a monthly fee might be the answer here. even a small amount like R20 p/m would help. i know i for 1 have enjoyed my stay here and would like it to stay that way till the day i cant fish anymore. if the owner of sealine one day finds it too costly to run sealine and decides to shut it down...then what?. i for 1 wouldnt be happy. sure the other angling forums are free....but do they have the that sealine has?. also there maybe some that cannot afford it and have more important things in life that need finances and that is totally understandable. if any1 cant afford it then i will gladly pay for them. i mean cumon.....we pay so much for tackle.....r20 PER HOOK?....100bucks for a spool of line....sheesh...wats 20bucks.
anyway....use it...dont use loss in my life.


habib you got my vote.
To ensure it doesnt frighten off newcomers you could even have a free membership for 2 weeks or the likes and then subscribe. I don't know what the preovious converstation started, brought up or where it went, but what i've learnt here from august is more than i've learnt in 20 years of reading everything i can, watching ESA, reading ESA mags and Stywe Lyne and from fellow anglers i knew over the years.

The volume of information as well as the amount of oppertunities this site has created in the little time ive been here is astounding. From safe group fishing in False Bay, new fishing buddies, Donations to the poor, Helping of anglers in need after catastrophe's. I strongly feel there is more ANGLING INFORMATION - NO ADVERTISING than in the ESA mag and Tight Lines combined, and at R20 still a much cheaper option.